• 四人好友聚会的一个轻松的下午,谈话间大家交换了人生中重要的时刻,闪现了各自生活中的闪光点。一对les妻妻与一对les情侣展现了她们各自有趣且真实的生活细节。这个充斥着八卦、欢笑与片刻沉默的下午,也因为一封自杀遗言而暗流涌动。看似平静美好的生活背后,每个人心中小小的秘密,为这个下午带来了无法避免的反转。偶然与巧合归于平静,像白日焰火最终消失地无影无踪。回到生活本身,四人也更加懂得了自己真正所想。@弯弯字幕组
  • 当克莱尔·卡彭特的父亲派她去澳大利亚指导一支精英男子游泳队时,克莱尔发现自己要面对长期竞争对手米凯拉·迈克尔斯,并得知如果球队输掉下一场比赛,训练营将关闭的消息。 为了拯救营地,克莱尔必须克服隐秘的恐惧,抛开与米凯拉的分歧,重新找回自己的热情。
  • Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal with a group of treasure seekers and their modified four-wheel-drives on an expedition through the Australian outback.
  • A street smart party girl gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out by masquerading as a Nun.
  • A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complicated relationship implode. She rents a country house to an old-fashioned widower, who struggles to hide his pyschopatic tendencies.
  • 约束

  • 一个新郎不小心在牙买加的一个swingers度假胜地预定了他的目的地婚礼和蜜月。